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Videos By Rabbi Yaron Reuven

VAERA: Does God Hear Your Lonely Crying? | STUMP THE RABBI (226)

VAERA: Does God Hear Your Lonely Crying? | STUMP THE RABBI (226)

No matter who the person is, they have had some tough times in their lives. Some have such difficulties that they feel alone in the world. While everyone knows that HaShem heard Am Yisrael's cries in Egypt, parashat VAERA will teach us whether that also pertains to your lonely cries. If He Hears them, then why doesn't seem like He's responding. These are critical questions that must be answered for each person to have the proper ideological perspective needed during those difficult times when people have to ask you to smile. This and many questions from the live online audience will be addressed BeEzrat HaShem. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy. DONATE & SUPPORT @ AI RABBI by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. Answers To Jewish Torah Life Questions In 30 Languages. 0:00:00 Introduction (TeShuvahMusicBH) 0:06:38 Does G-d Hear Your Lonely Crying? 0:11:02 VAERA: G-d Rebukes Moshe Rabbeinu 0:13:39 And Also, I Have Heard the Groan of the Children of Israel... (Exodus 6 v. 5) 0:15:12 Does G-d Hear Your Lonely Crying? (cont.) 0:17:07 The 400-Year Decree: Shortened Through Intensified Suffering 0:20:54 The Four-Fold Promise of Redemption (Exodus 6 vv. 6-7) 0:22:02 (1) I Shall Take You Out from Under the Burdens of Egypt 0:23:12 (2) I Shall Rescue You from Their Service 0:24:01 (3) I Shall Redeem You with an Outstretched Arm and With Great Judgments 0:26:20 (4) I Shall Take You to Me for a People and I Shall Be a G-d to You 0:27:51 Come Speak to Pharaoh, King of Egypt, that He Send the Children of Israel (Exodus 6 v. 11) 0:34:22 Why Have Holy Books of Tzadikim Been Burned? 0:35:21 Whoever is Greater Than His Fellow, His Evil Inclination is Greater than His Fellow’s as Well (Succah 52a) 0:37:05 Hashem’s Presence in Our Pain: His Love for Those Loyal to Him (Chatam Sofer) 0:39:33 A Person's Evil Inclination Seeks to Kill Him; Only G-d's Help Can Overpower It (Kiddushin 30b) 0:39:43 Why Have Holy Books of Tzadikim Been Burned? (R. Nachman of Breslov) 0:48:16 Newlywed’s Wife Has Ayin Hara-Induced Outburst, Resolved Through Hashem’s Protection 0:51:23 How Pain Can Truly Be the Greatest Blessing in Life 1:04:37 Conclusion Questions: 1:08:54 How Can You Defend Yourself Against Ayin Hara? 1:19:08 What to Do Spiritually During Your Wife’s Pregnancy? 1:20:45 Evil Eye vs. Witchcraft 1:26:31 Shameful to Suggest Anything Stronger Than Hashem’s Protection 1:26:47 Is There Anyone in America Who Can Remove Witchcraft? 1:27:08 How Do We Know Mt. Sinai Wasn't an Alien Encounter? 1:27:46 Do Amulets Work? 1:28:19 How Does a Person Overcome the Fear of Suffering? 1:29:43 Teshuva for Wearing Shatnez 1:30:21 False Messiah Shabbatai Tzvi Used Witchcraft 1:33:17 Is Hanging a Hamsa Pendant on the Wall Permissible? 1:33:39 How Can One Tell if Someone is Vicious? 1:34:12 How the Rabbi Deals with Trolls: Ignore and Focus on Reasonable Questions 1:34:37 How Many Times a Day Do Jews Pray? 1:34:47 Do Any Amulets Work for Receiving More Money? 1:40:17 Tanach Time Period 1:41:01 Kabbalah 1:41:22 A Man's Foolishness Corrupts His Way and His Heart Rages Against Hashem (Prov. 19:3) 1:41:54 How Many Chat Platforms is the Rabbi On? 1:42:11 How Does One Break Bad Luck Curse? 1:42:36 Kabbalah (cont.) 1:46:21 Hashem’s Eternal Gift: A Promise Made Over 3,000 Years Ago at Mt. Sinai 1:46:32 The Rabbi Speaks English and Hebrew 1:46:52 The 39 Forbidden Melachot: Prohibited Activities on Shabbat 1:47:49 Will There Ever Be Kosher Pork? 1:47:59 Did Elon Musk Give a 'Nazi' Salute? 1:52:33 The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53 is Am Yisrael 1:52:57 Teshuva for Stealing 1:54:58 How to Remove Ayin Hara After It Has Taken Effect 1:55:14 Kaparat Avonot: The Difference Between Doing Teshuvah and Not Doing Teshuvah 1:56:18 How to Fix Financial Problems 1:57:19 Is Kosher Meat Halal? 1:58:02 How to Fix Financial Problems (cont.) 1:59:45 Can a Jew Eat Halal Meat? 1:59:56 Is Eating Seeds Bad? 2:00:56 Terrorists Hate More Than They Like Themselves 2:04:06 Using a Car or RV as a Home on Shabbat: Avoiding Light Sensors and Permissible Use 2:05:15 Jealousy: A Form of Heresy That Denies Hashem’s Perfect Judgment and Providence 2:13:00 Can One Play Music Before Prayer to Help One Cry During It? 2:13:28 Jealousy: A Form of Heresy That Denies Hashem’s Perfect Judgment and Providence (cont.) 2:14:12 Does the Rabbi Listen to Music? 2:15:22 Socks Older than Israel 2:16:03 Nearly All Misfortune in Life and the World is from Wasting Seed 2:16:36 If One Doesn't Get Jealous Do They Still Age? 2:17:04 The Rabbi's Stance on People Converting to Judaism 2:19:16 Wear Tzitzit All the Time 2:19:42 Can One Write a Prayer Journal? 2:24:19 Teshuvah Music Shabbat Song 2:24:56 How Can a Woman Do Teshuvah After Having an Abortion? 2:27:35 Be’Ezrat HaShem: Asher Yatzar Box #Vaera #crying #Judaism #Jewish #Parashat #Egypt #Torah #rabbiyaronreuven #lonely #Shabbat #parashathashavua #Prayers
The Most Costly Peace Agreement In Jewish History | WAR OF AMALEK (21)

The Most Costly Peace Agreement In Jewish History | WAR OF AMALEK (21)

While many are still struggling with the terms of the recent Peace agreement in Israel, the Torah is not surprised. Indeed, Rav Elchonon Wasserman teaches us about what peace is achieved with the leaders do not follow Daat Torah, and if in fact peace is even possible at least among the Jewish people. This shiur will surprise and even shock some of you, especially when we go on a little historical journey that is unfortunately not taught in schools, and therefore known mostly by scholars and the decedents of the victims. This important shiur is a must watch for anyone who wants Da'at Torah about Jewish Unity, Peace and those who say otherwise. It also includes an extraordinary story from behind the scenes of a recent Beit Din session. Learn, Share, Enjoy, and Be Holy. DONATE & SUPPORT @ AI RABBI by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. Answers To Jewish Torah Life Questions In 30 Languages. Discover Jewish Wisdom at Your Fingertips, Rabbi Reuven's AI Rabbi offers wisdom and guidance in multiple languages, drawing from trusted, reliable sources. 0:00:00 Introduction (TeShuvahMusicBH) 0:04:20 The Most Costly Peace Agreement In Jewish History 0:09:14 The Worst Face of Amalek—Heretical Jews: "Your Destroyers shall Come from Within You" (Isaiah 49 v. 17) 0:09:56 Actions of the General Public Prove How Far They Are from Understanding the Value of Daat Torah 0:11:14 Our Representatives to Nations Show We Aren't Following Daat Torah 0:12:28 Personal Opinions Replace Torah Authority, While True Expertise Requires Decades of Toil in Torah 0:15:12 False Jewish Unity: Uniting Torah Jews with Heretic Jews Brings Suffering and Betrays Torah Values 0:21:09 Heretic Jews Throughout History: Greater Threats to Torah Jews Than Nations Themselves 0:28:16 Heretic Jews Reported to Gentiles, Enabling Talmud Censorship and Destruction of Torah Texts 0:31:53 Heretic Jews Misrepresented the Word 'Goy,' Leading to Foolish Censorship of Torah Texts 0:36:07 Yevsektsiya: Jewish Communist Organization, Seed of Amalek—Oppressing Jews Worse Than Gentiles 0:39:24 The Worst Face of Amalek—Heretical Jews: "Your Destroyers shall Come from Within You" (Isaiah 49 v. 17) 0:40:21 Heretic Jews Aligned with Communism and Nazism, Betrayed Torah, Persecuted Rabbis, and Destroyed Communities 0:51:02 Jewish Heretics in Leadership: A Greater Threat Than Non-Jews (e.g., Yevsektsiya) 0:57:53 Jesus: Heretical Jew Who Caused the Greatest Damage to Jews in the Last 2,000 Years 0:59:55 In 1948: Clever Professor Referenced Red Ink in a Letter to Signal Struggles Under Yevsektsiya to His Brother in America 1:04:33 The Most Costly Peace Agreement In Jewish History (cont.) 1:08:30 True Peace vs. False Peace: Pinchas' Covenant of Peace Teaches Torah Forbids Peace with the Wicked (Num. 25 v. 12) 1:11:03 "There is No Peace for the Wicked, Said Hashem" (Isaiah 48 v. 22) 1:13:40 Peace at All Costs? Adulterous Actions Revealed in Divorce Case Prove Not All Peace is Permitted 1:19:48 Conclusion 1:23:06 AI Rabbi by Be'Ezrat HaShem #Israel #Peace #peaceagreement #ceasefire #gaza #palestine #hamas #Jewish #Jews #Israeli #war #RabbiYaronReuven #rabbiwasserman #Amalek #daattorah
The God of Israel or Elokei HaElokim? | Torat HaChassidut (16)

The God of Israel or Elokei HaElokim? | Torat HaChassidut (16)

We've all dealt with the shul talkers and know its forbidden to speak in shul. Rebbe Elimelech of Lezhenk's Tzetel Katan takes it a step further, and with the help of the Zohar, Ben Ish Chai, Maggid of Mezrich and our Prophets, we delve back into the Synagogue topic that affects us all. In the process, we will also find out why HaShem is called the God of Israel sometimes, and Elokei HaElokim other times. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy. DONATE & SUPPORT @ AI RABBI by BeEzrat HaShem Inc. Answers To Jewish Torah Life Questions In 30 Languages. Discover Jewish Wisdom at Your Fingertips, Rabbi Reuven's AI Rabbi offers wisdom and guidance in multiple languages, drawing from trusted, reliable sources. 0:00:00 Introduction 0:02:19 Chassidut: Doing Above and Beyond What is Required 0:03:59 Distinguishing what is Above and Beyond and What is Obligated 0:04:27 Kavannah (Intent) in Prayer; Shul-Talkers and Praying in Shul 0:07:16 The G-d of Israel or Elokei HaElokim? 0:08:10 Requirements to Fulfill the Mitzvah of Listening to the Megillah Reading 0:13:32 Listening to the Torah Reading as if it is the Megillah Reading 0:15:14 248 Yearly Torah Readings Correspond to 248 Positive Commandments and Human Limbs (Orchot Chaim) 0:16:40 A Person That Speaks Mundane Things During Prayer—His Sin Is Too Big 0:18:28 Rabbis’ Fear of Rebuke: A Part of the Problem 0:22:43 Alcohol Abuse in Synagogues: A Deformity in Certain Communities 0:24:41 Jeremiah's Warning: Synagogue Disrespect Equals Desecrating a Small Temple 0:28:07 Synagogue Desecration by Jews Precedes Destruction by Enemies, as Seen in History (e.g., Kristallnacht) 0:31:33 The Synagogue is Not a Hangout 0:33:57 Rabbi Meir Abuhatzeira: Exemplifying Awe and Reverence in Synagogue Conduct 0:37:41 Woe to Those Who Speak Mundane Words in the House of G-d (Zohar 131b) 0:41:03 Korbanot and the Differences in Teshuvah Between Jews and Non-Jews (Ben Ish Chai) 0:46:57 Prayer Has Replaced Korbanot Today & Synagogue is a Small Temple (Ben Ish Chai) 0:49:37 The G-d of Israel or Elokei HaElokim? (cont.) 0:56:22 1,000 Nights of Study to Meet Eliyahu HaNavi—Who Teaches Synagogue Honor (Maggid of Mezritch) 1:00:51 Conclusion 1:04:05 AI Rabbi by Be'Ezrat HaShem #shul #Synagogue #God #GodofIsrael #Nations #Judaism #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #RabbiElimelech #HaShem #torathachassidut #zohar
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