Rav Aharon Feldman Sets The Record Straight on Manis Friedman #Torah #Chassidus #jewishhashkafa
Gadol HaDor Rav Aharon Feldman clarifies once again, the Da'at Torah is that Manis Friedman speaks heresy against the Principles of Jewish Faith. And Rav Feldman protests against the highly edited video posted Rabbi S Litvin of Kentucky which made it seem as though Rav Feldman supported Manis Friedman, which was the complete opposite of the truth. If these false shepherds will distort the words of HaShem and His holy Torah, it's not surprising they lie and distort the words of great Chachamim and Gedolim like Rav Aharon Feldman. Rav Feldman says, the fact that Rabbi S Litvin could take his words out of context and distort them into praise for Manis Friedman is "Despicable!"
Rav Aharon Feldman is one of the Gadolei Hador in America, a member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Council of great Torah Sages, and member of Agudath Israel of America. The things Manis Friedman teaches go against the Jewish Sages and the Masoret of Am Yisrael. His heresy is a great danger to the Jewish people, and in the words of Rav Aharon Feldman, this must be "publicized everywhere" to warn the public. The common denominator of all the heretics is they don't bring sources for their heresy. When teaching Torah, it's critical to bring sources, especially if what you say is not in the masoret.
To learn more for yourself, start here: 16 Times Manis Distorted The Torah https://youtu.be/lDXYNcSGUQk?si=-OVK3vncj6KDQxMJ
Then continue watching the other videos in this playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfeqUDL5aojbNySzwHv0Ls31R_BR1Eauj&si=jHxiul3bFqn--KtY
But the most important thing is going to be LOOKING UP THE SOURCES in the Chumash, in the Mishnah, in the Gemara. You have to look for the truth, and not for excuses.
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00:00 Rabbi Aharon Feldman reveals the truth
01:11 Does Manis Friedman speak heresy?
02:08 Manis Friedman's second biggest fan