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Videos By Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Rav Aharon Feldman Sets The Record Straight on Manis Friedman #Torah #Chassidus #jewishhashkafa

Rav Aharon Feldman Sets The Record Straight on Manis Friedman #Torah #Chassidus #jewishhashkafa

Gadol HaDor Rav Aharon Feldman clarifies once again, the Da'at Torah is that Manis Friedman speaks heresy against the Principles of Jewish Faith. And Rav Feldman protests against the highly edited video posted Rabbi S Litvin of Kentucky which made it seem as though Rav Feldman supported Manis Friedman, which was the complete opposite of the truth. If these false shepherds will distort the words of HaShem and His holy Torah, it's not surprising they lie and distort the words of great Chachamim and Gedolim like Rav Aharon Feldman. Rav Feldman says, the fact that Rabbi S Litvin could take his words out of context and distort them into praise for Manis Friedman is "Despicable!" Rav Aharon Feldman is one of the Gadolei Hador in America, a member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Council of great Torah Sages, and member of Agudath Israel of America. The things Manis Friedman teaches go against the Jewish Sages and the Masoret of Am Yisrael. His heresy is a great danger to the Jewish people, and in the words of Rav Aharon Feldman, this must be "publicized everywhere" to warn the public. The common denominator of all the heretics is they don't bring sources for their heresy. When teaching Torah, it's critical to bring sources, especially if what you say is not in the masoret. To learn more for yourself, start here: 16 Times Manis Distorted The Torah Then continue watching the other videos in this playlist: But the most important thing is going to be LOOKING UP THE SOURCES in the Chumash, in the Mishnah, in the Gemara. You have to look for the truth, and not for excuses. DONATE TODAY or even SIGN UP FOR MONTHLY DONATION to be part of each and every story that brings a smile: LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #orthodoxJudaism #OrthordoxJew #TeShuva #JewishHashkafa #Parashat #parashathashavua #TorahPortion #Mussar #KIRUV #Breslov #Breslev #Noahide #NoahideLaws #Jewishcommunity #Israel #holyland #Emunah #Bitachon #Modesty #orthodoxjewishlife #MaShiach #Chabad #moshiach #Lubavitch 00:00 Rabbi Aharon Feldman reveals the truth 01:11 Does Manis Friedman speak heresy? 02:08 Manis Friedman's second biggest fan
HaRav Aharon Feldman Reveals The Truth About Manis Friedman

HaRav Aharon Feldman Reveals The Truth About Manis Friedman

Gadol HaDor Rav Aharon Feldman clarifies once again, the Da'at Torah is that Manis Friedman speaks heresy against the Principles of Jewish Faith. And Rav Feldman protests against the highly edited video posted Rabbi S Litvin of Kentucky which made it seem as though Rav Feldman supported Manis Friedman, which was the complete opposite of the truth. If these false shepherds will distort the words of HaShem and His holy Torah, it's not surprising they lie and distort the words of great Chachamim and Gedolim like Rav Aharon Feldman. Rav Feldman says, the fact that Rabbi S Litvin could take his words out of context and distort them into praise for Manis Friedman is "Despicable!" Rav Aharon Feldman is one of the Gadolei Hador in America, a member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Council of great Torah Sages, and member of Agudath Israel of America. The things Manis Friedman teaches go against the Jewish Sages and the Masoret of Am Yisrael. His heresy is a great danger to the Jewish people, and in the words of Rav Aharon Feldman, this must be "publicized everywhere" to warn the public. The common denominator of all the heretics is they don't bring sources for their heresy. When teaching Torah, it's critical to bring sources, especially if what you say is not in the masoret. To learn more for yourself, start here: 16 Times Manis Distorted The Torah Then continue watching the other videos in this playlist: But the most important thing is going to be LOOKING UP THE SOURCES in the Chumash, in the Mishnah, in the Gemara. You have to look for the truth, and not for excuses. DONATE TODAY or even SIGN UP FOR MONTHLY DONATION to be part of each and every story that brings a smile: LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #orthodoxJudaism #OrthordoxJew #TeShuva #JewishHashkafa #Parashat #parashathashavua #TorahPortion #Mussar #KIRUV #Breslov #Breslev #Noahide #NoahideLaws #Jewishcommunity #Israel #holyland #Emunah #Bitachon #Modesty #orthodoxjewishlife #MaShiach #Chabad #moshiach #Lubavitch 00:00 Rabbi Aharon Feldman reveals the truth 01:11 Does Manis Friedman speak heresy? 02:08 Manis Friedman's second biggest fan
Rosh Chodesh Elul

Rosh Chodesh Elul

Rabbi Yaron Reuven describes Elul as a crucial period for introspection and TeShuvah before Rosh Hashanah, likening it to a prisoner’s opportunity to earn freedom through sincere remorse. He stresses that while many observe commandments, true repentance is often missing. Elul is not just about avoiding judgment but drawing closer to HaShem. Rabbi Reuven warns against internalized falsehoods from early influences like cartoons and books, urging the rejection of these deceptive beliefs. He calls for genuine self-reflection, focusing on authentic spiritual growth and deepening one’s connection with HaShem during this sacred time. Join this channel to get access to perks: To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Elul #Judaism #Jewish #roshhashanah #TeShuvah #Torah #rabbiyaronreuven #repentance #change
Answering A Call From 3000 Years Ago - Ruth's Conversion Story
WHO IS AMALEK? The Unknown History of Nazi Germany

WHO IS AMALEK? The Unknown History of Nazi Germany

A viewer asks Rabbi Yaron Reuven, "Who is Amalek?" Many people have heard that Nazi Germany was Amalek, but most don't know that Nazi Germany wasn't a new nation, but rather a continuation of the evil Roman empire that destroyed the the Temple in Jerusalem. From the dying Roman Empire, to 300 warring German barbarian nations, to the "Holy Roman Empire", to second German Reich, then Nazi Germany. The same eternal enemy of the Jewish people: AMALEK. But why does HaShem send Amalek to hurt the Jewish people? And how can we stop it? FULL SHIUR: Stump The Rabbi 174 - To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #TorahPortion #Parasha #Amalek #Nazi #Germany 00:00 Who is Amalek? 00:58 Nazi Germany was a continuation of the Roman Empire 05:30 300 German Barbarian Nations 09:23 Why does HaShem send Amalek?


Parashat Re'eh is introduced with HaShem's promise of a Blessing or Curse for mankind before warning us about many different idolatrous practices that will certainly bring the curse. While that seems pretty clear to all, life itself is unclear to most people when they see many wicked people that fit the text get what seems to be a blessing, while the opposite can happen to those who are righteous. This big question has a deep answer that will make us look at things with divine eyeglasses we'll have to always remember to put on. This, along with answering many live questions will be a shiur you don't want to miss, and may as well end watching it over and over again for a refresher in the future. Enjoy, Learn, Share and Be Holy. Join this channel to get access to perks: To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: 0:00:00 Introduction 0:07:11 RE'EH: WHY DO WICKED PROSPER & RIGHTEOUS SUFFER? 0:14:15 The Blessing & The Curse (Deut. 11 vv. 27-28) 0:16:47 The Punishment of Lawless Men Who Cause Others to Go Astray 0:23:35 Divine Test: Allowing False Prophets & Dreamers to Produce Miracles & Wonders (Deut. 13) 0:26:03 The 50th Level of Tumah, Heresy, at the End of Days (Or Hachaim) 0:26:33 The Land of Israel was Given Due to Other Nations' Wickedness, Not Israel's Righteousness (Deut. 9 vv. 4-6) 0:32:10 Curses are Guaranteed from Sin; Prosperity isn’t Always Proof of Righteousness (Eichah Rabbah) 0:36:20 Material Blessings are Tools G-d Gives to Enable Further Mitzvot and Eternal Reward 0:38:01 The Ultimate Blessing & The Ultimate Curse 0:45:14 How Blessings & Curses Work 0:49:16 Noah's Ark Served as a Tool: Sennacherib Failed with Idolatry, Whereas His Sons Converted and Became Great Sages 0:56:52 Tools G-d Uses to Fulfill Either a Curse or a Blessing 1:00:13 Conclusion Questions: 1:09:45 What Should Be Done with a Dangerous Roaming Cat? (Question from Last Time) 1:14:57 Is Propaganda Ever Allowed? 1:16:00 Is It Proper to Look into the Footsteps of the Moshiach? 1:18:08 Why is Prophecy not Taught? 1:18:43 What happened to Zipporah, Moses' Wife? 1:19:50 One Should Not Daven Barefoot 1:20:06 Tikkun Habrit 1:24:32 Gog u'Magog: Ishmael & Edom - First Foes, Then Allies Against Israel 1:26:43 You're Never Too Old to Convert 1:28:18 Women are Forbidden to Self-pleasure—Demons (Igros Moshe: Even Haezer 1:69) 1:28:50 Is There a Situation Where the Heart Is Right and Not the Brain? 1:32:43 How Can a Jew Enjoy Olam Haba in the World of Truth Knowing They Didn't Reach Their Potential? 1:37:22 Are Noahides Allowed to Listen to the Rabbi's Lectures? 1:38:51 Is it Possible for a Noahide Woman to Create a Holy Neshamah 1:39:13 Join the Channel: Exclusive Offer for YouTube Members 1:40:08 Artscroll Stone Edition of Chumash 1:40:17 Leniencies and Stringencies 1:42:18 Chol means “weekday; mundane" 1:42:28 Can an Erev Rav be Descended from Amalek? 1:42:45 Evolution 1:54:00 Were the Hebrews Idol worshippers Before Moshe Brought the Laws? 1:56:27 12-Hour Exam Beit Din? 1:56:53 Baal Teshuvah Guide 1:57:27 Best Way for a Noahide Couple to Marry 1:58:58 Cross-Breeding 1:59:24 Event Arrangements 2:01:57 Can Noahides Learn the Jewish Intimacy Series? 2:02:16 Is the Rabbi Traveling to Israel Anytime Soon? 2:02:41 Why Did the Sages Live So Much Longer? 2:03:40 People from All Backgrounds and Walks of Life Watch the Shiurim 2:07:08 The Rabbi's Discretion 2:08:20 Is It a Mitzvah to Move if Conversion is Impossible in Your Current City? 2:08:33 Immodesty Blocks Blessings & Spreading Torah Can Bring Miracles 2:11:37 Is the Rabbi Going Back to TorahAnytime? 2:12:17 The More Kiruv, The Stronger Israel Becomes 2:15:13 Be'Ezrat HaShem: Make Eternal Investments #Reeh #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #jews #bible #god #inspiring #motivation #Parashat #parashathashavua #Wicked #Shabbat #ShabbatShalom #Righteous
What Is The Best Translation Of Jewish Scriptures?

What Is The Best Translation Of Jewish Scriptures?

What is the best translation of Jewish Scriptures? Which Tanakh Should I Get? Rabbi Yaron Reuven recommends going with the Artscroll Tanach, but at first everyone should buy the Artscroll Stone Edition Chumash, because it has a lot of commentary that explains the detailed nuances of Scriptural Hebrew and the Jewish Sages bring thousands of years of compiled wisdom and connections to other relevant verses to add context that will help a person increase their Torah observance and give them a real understanding and connection to HaShem. The Artscroll Stone Edition Chumash is the first book in the Conversion to Orthodox Judaism PDF: Full Shiur: Stump The Rabbi 213 - To Join Us In Doing KIRUV To Help Am Yisrael Get Back To HaShem & His Holy Torah, PLEASE DONATE TODAY @ LIKE👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE ✅ AND PLEASE SHARE THE VIDEOS TO HELP OTHERS DO TESHUVA! 🤳WATCH NEW LIVE LECTURES WITHOUT ADS! The BEST FEATURES of YouTube PREMIUM, with no yetzer hara, for FREE! Download the Be'Ezrat HaShem app 📲 OR WATCH 👀 AT: and Is Our Ongoing Campaign To Feed & Cloth Poor Jews In Israel Please help us raise money for this ➡️ Want to learn more? Visit: #Torah #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism #Artscroll #OrthodoxJew #Talmud #TorahStudy #Tanakh #Tanakh 00:00 Which Tanakh does Rabbi Reuven recommend? 00:54 The Artscroll Stone Edition Chumash 01:56 Pocket Size Artscroll Tanakh 03:22 More commentary = more learning 04:55 The wisdom is endless
KIV YACHOL: Jewish Community Fight Against Evil Miracles | BH FILMS
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